The topic addresses coastal megacities and large urban agglomerations in terms of their impacts on the coast as well as vulnerability to climate and environmental change. Two workshops were held in 2011, one in London and one in Yantai, China. The first workshop led to a preliminary review of knowledge. The second led to a more comprehensive assessment that has been published by Earthscan (see below). The synthesis finds that global trends in urban development and environmental change are permanently altering the ways in which coastal megacities interact with the environment. Innovative and forward-thinking policy and research agendas are needed.
Pelling M and Blackburn S (eds.) Megacities and the Coast: risk, resilience and transformation. Earthscan. 245 pp.
Generous funding from the Taiwanese Environmental Protection Administration is gratefully acknowledged.
IGBP closed at the end of 2015. This website is no longer updated.