IGBP was launched in 1987 to coordinate international research on global-scale and regional-scale interactions between Earth's biological, chemical and physical processes and their interactions with human systems. IGBP views the Earth system as the Earth's natural physical, chemical and biological cycles and processes and the social and economic dimensions.
IGBP is a world-class provider of
IGBP Vision (pdf, 207.4 kB)
IGBP Constitution (pdf, 96.1 kB)
IGBP Science Plan (pdf, 6.9 MB)
IGBP's vision is to provide essential scientific leadership and knowledge of the Earth system to help guide society onto a sustainable pathway during rapid global change.
The vision has three key elements:
The full vision (pdf, 207.4 kB) is available here.
In the next ten years, IGBP, working with our partners, will provide the knowledge, expertise and coordination to identify and assess risks posed to society and ecosystems by major changes in the Earth's biological, chemical and physical cycles and processes, and communicate this to society.
IGBP will seek deeper understanding of the links and feedbacks between Earth system processes, with a focus on socio‐economic forcings. IGBP will actively promote a new era of inter‐ and trans‐disciplinary research and will work with relevant partners to support solutions to societal transformation.
IGBP will work with international partners and funding agencies to develop research priorities and co‐design projects and initiatives.
IGBP will help coordinate and deliver the Earth‐system observation systems required for greater understanding. IGBP will work to ensure Earth‐system data is stored effectively and that data is freely available.
IGBP aims to be a world-class provider of Earth System:
The new IGBP vision was published in 2010 following a consultation process with all IGBP stakeholders and in light of the International Council for Science Earth System Visioning Process.
IGBP closed at the end of 2015. This website is no longer updated.