• A personal note on IGBP and the social sciences

    Humans are an integral component of the Earth system as conceptualised by IGBP. João Morais recalls key milestones in IGBP’s engagement with the social sciences and offers some words of advice for Future Earth.
  • IGBP and Earth observation:
    a co-evolution

    The iconic images of Earth beamed back by the earliest spacecraft helped to galvanise interest in our planet’s environment. The subsequent evolution and development of satellites for Earth observation has been intricately linked with that of IGBP and other global-change research programmes, write Jack Kaye and Cat Downy .

Advances in landscape-scale soil research

Geoderma, an International Journal of Soil Science (2006)
Pennock D J and Veldkamp A
Doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2006.03.032
Vol 133; Issue 1-2; pp. 1-5

Soil science has traditionally focused on relatively static soil properties in order to provide a stable basis for soil taxonomy. Developments in related earth science disciplines are offering new tools and insights of direct relevance to pedology. Soils can now be described and studied as dynamic entities in a landscape context connected by various means. Landscape processes and land management are the main agents in shaping and changing soils. We believe that integration of the conceptual and methodological advances in related disciplines with pedological research offers rich possibilities for the development of a truly landscape-scale pedology. Landscape-scale pedology also provides the linkage between soil processes and soil surveys, and this linkage is essential for up scaling of soil process information to regional, national, and global scales. A recent spin-off of global change research is that human actions are seen as a central issue in this research. Furthermore, the notion of soils as a component of complex systems with positive and negative feedbacks is becoming a leading concept in earth system science.

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  • Global Change Magazine No. 84

    This final issue of the magazine takes stock of IGBP’s scientific and institutional accomplishments as well as its contributions to policy and capacity building. It features interviews of several past...

  • Global Change Magazine No. 83

    This issue features a special section on carbon. You can read about peak greenhouse-gas emissions in China, the mitigation of black carbon emissions and the effect of the 2010-2011 La Niña event on gl...