DOI: 10.1029/2003GB002142
Vol. 18: No. 2: GB2008
Recent figures on net forest cover change rates of the world's tropical forest cover are used for the calculation of carbon fluxes in the global budget. By applying our deforestation findings in the humid tropics, complemented by published deforestation figures in the dry tropics, to refereed data on biomass, we produced new estimates of net carbon emissions. These estimates are supported by recent, independent estimations of net carbon emissions globally, over the Brazilian Amazon, and by observations of atmospheric CO2 emissions over Southeast Asia. Our best estimate for global net emissions from land-use change in the tropics is at 1.1 0.3 Gt C yr(-1). This estimate includes emissions from conversion of forests representing 71% of budget) and loss of soil carbon after deforestation 20%), emissions from forest degradation 4.4%), emissions from the 1997 - 1998 Indonesian exceptional fires 8.3%), and sinks from regrowths (-3.3%).
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