IGBP sponsors 12 international projects, including four research projects that are part co-sponsored by the other major global environmental change programmes, which are known as joint projects. IGBP also sponsors several regional research initiatives and other activities related to global change.
Many IGBP projects are co-sponsored by other international organizations.
In addition to connections with our international partners such as DIVERSITAS, the International Human Dimensions Programme and the World Climate Research Programme, IGBP has links to the global observations community (e.g. the Group on Earth Observations – GEO; the Integrated Global Observing Strategy – IGOS; the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites - CEOS).
IGBP maintains collaboration with a number of other international organizations. The Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research (SCOR) is co-sponsor of the GLOBEC (ended 2010), IMBER and SOLAS projects, while the Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (CACGP) co-sponsors SOLAS and IGAC. These collaborations are very important for IGBP, because these organizations provide significant scientific input and guidance to the projects as well as co-sponsoring the Fast-Track Initiatives. Plans are underway for a new Symposium on Oceans in a High CO2 World, to be co-sponsored by SCOR, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), and IGBP.
IGBP also works closely with the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), and the Inter American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI). Both APN and IAI support IGBP-related research and training activities, and are important partners in developing scientific agendas appropriate for their respective regions.
IGBP contributes to global assessments such at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA).
IGBP is sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU) and financial support is facilitated by the International Group of Funding Agencies (IGFA).