
The Terrestrial carbon cycle: Implications for the Kyoto protocol

Science (1998)
Steffen W L, Noble I, Canadell J, Apps M, Schulze E-D, Jarvis P G, Baldocchi D, Ciais P, Cramer W, Ehleringer J, Farquhar G, Field C B, Ghazi A, Gifford R, Heimann M, Houghton R, Kabat P, Körner C, Lambin E, Linder S, Mooney H A, Murdiyarso D, Post W M, Prentice I C, Raupach M R, Schimel D S, Shvidenko A and Valentini R (IGBP Terrestrial Carbon Working Group) (eds)
Doi: 10.1126/science.280.5368.1393
Vol 280; No 5368; pp. 1393-1394

The Kyoto Protocol achieved a significant breakthrough by including terrestrial carbon sources and sinks into a legally binding emissions reduction framework. The effectiveness of the portocol can be improved by adopting a full carbon budget. Terrestrial carbon sinks are part of an active biological cycle and can offset fossil fuel emissions only temporarily, from decades to a century. They can thus buy time to address anthropogenic perturbation emissions.