
Global Warming and Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Conceptual Framework for Analysis

BioScience (2000)
Shaver G R, Canadell J, Chapin III F S, Gurevitch J, Harte J Henry G, Ineson P, Jonasson S, Melillo J, Pitelka L and Rustad L (eds)
ISSN: 00063568
Doi: 10.1641/0006-3568(2000)050[0871:GWATEA]2.0.CO;2
Vol 50; Issue 10; pp. 871-882

Focuses on the study of the effects global warming will have on ecosystems. Importance of accounting for increased temperature and carbon dioxide in the studies; Direct and indirect effects of warming; Different rates at which various ecosystems will be affected; Case studies of warming responses.