
Determination of Deforestation Rates of the World's Humid Tropical Forests

Science (2003)
Achard F, Eva H, Stibig H-J, Mayaux P, Gallego J, Richards T and Malingreau J-P (eds)
Doi: 10.1126/science.1070656
Vol 297; No 5583; pp. 999-1002

A recently completed research program (TREES) employing the global imaging capabilities of Earth-observing satellites provides updated information on the status of the world's humid tropical forest cover. Between 1990 and 1997, 5.8 ± 1.4 million hectares of humid tropical forest were lost each year, with a further 2.3 ± 0.7 million hectares of forest visibly degraded. These figures indicate that the global net rate of change in forest cover for the humid tropics is 23% lower than the generally accepted rate. This result affects the calculation of carbon fluxes in the global budget and means that the terrestrial sink is smaller than previously inferred.