photo: iStockphoto/KungWu

Get involved

IGBP is expanding its range of stakeholders and scientists to include more people working in the fields of sustainability and development, policymakers, industry and the public.


IGBP is a research programme and  network of over 10,000 researchers and stakeholders in global change and global sustainability research.

IGBP VisionPDF (pdf, 207.4 kB)
IGBP ConstitutionPDF (pdf, 96.1 kB)

IGBP Stakeholders

Research community

  • Natural scientists
  • Social scientists (economics, governance, behavioural change, anthropology...)
  • Environmental engineers
  • Sustainability researchers
  • Development researchers


  • International (for example, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, United Nations Environment Programme, Food and Agriculture Organisation)
  • National
  • Non-governmental organizations (for example, IUCN)

Funding agencies

  • International Group of Funding Agencies (IGFA)
  • We have a network of scientists in over 70 countries. We are always interested in discussing research strategies with funders in all countries.

Ultimately, our main stakeholder is the general public. Our work is publicly funded through research funding agencies around the world. We make every effort to communicate our work to a wide audience.

How to get involved

IGBP sponsors research projects and other initiatives, particularly projects with regional and global agendas.

Developing countries

IGBP provides a mechanism for developing-country scientists to work with researchers in the developed world. We have national committees in over 70 countries and we are keen to build more links.

Joining the network

  • Join our mailing list for regular email bulletins - vacancies, research, reports, meetings
  • Subscribe to our six-monthly magazine, Global Change. Sign up in the righhand column
  • Check out the events calender for meetings and events in your country
  • Attend our major international science conference in 2012, Planet Under Pressure: new knowledge towards solutions
  • Call our projects and ask how your work can be brought into the IGBP network
  • Contact your national committee and see how you can contribute. if you don't have one, contact us about starting one